Donna began her career in education as a classroom teacher and gifted specialist followed by years spent as a site administrator serving as principal for elementary, middle and high schools. Donna’s leadership ability was sought by Cave Creek Unified School District and Creighton Unified School District, both neighboring districts of SUSD, to serve as both Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent. In the role of Superintendent, Donna led a school governing board that was recognized, receiving the "Golden Bell Award for Community Engagement" and "Governing Board of the Year" award by the Arizona School Boards Association. Donna, herself, was named the 2021 Arizona’s National Superintendent of the Year. Donna’s accomplishments include guiding schools from Cs/Ds/Fs to As/Bs/Cs through innovative approaches fully embracing the wishes and dreams of those parents and teachers in their respective communities.

In addition to her career, Donna has volunteered to help districts serving on their override and bond committees and assisting with fundraising for school foundations. Donna believes that through authentic collaboration and a willingness to "dare" that ALL students can achieve any goal they desire and she is ready to serve SUSD to help them reach that goal.

Her expertise in student-centered governance and experience working with school boards will make Scottsdale Unified School District THE district of choice!

I am the proud mother of three sons who were educated in Arizona public schools. After attending Northern Arizona University for my undergraduate degree, I obtained my masters at the University of Arizona followed by a Doctorate from George Washington University in Educational Leadership.

I'm Donna Lewis

Hey there!

The hardest task that public schools face, especially in light of limited funding, is meeting the needs of many when each student is uniquely different. Using metrics, benchmarks and proper evaluative tools, it is incumbent upon SUSD to gauge where they excel and where improvements should be adopted towards meeting that goal.

As a lifelong educator, I know firsthand that students fare better when supported by caring and engaged parents. Students are more apt to thrive and succeed with their parents collaborating actively with our educators.

learning for all

parents as partners

organizational efficiency



Not unlike a publicly traded company, I view our community as the district’s shareholders and their tax dollars as start-up capital. Good stewardship of our community’s investment can help to foster and grow our most precious asset- our students.

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